Thursday 1 October 2009

My Preliminary task

In my opinion I think that my group used the three basic rules very well, as you can see in the video there is the continuity editing at the beginning, which I think actually looked quite good for the first time of doing it.
The 180 degree rule was very basic to use, and I thought it was easy.
The shot/Reverse shot was difficult because you have to get the timing right overwise it lookes dreadful.
Overall I think that my group worked really well together, and I think that mine and Sophie's editing skills were really good as we got the timing of each shot to the best that we could get them too. I enjoy ed learning how to use these three basic skills, as now I know that there is much more to filming than keeping the camera in one spot, as you have to do lots of different things to make it look accurate.

Although I liked the whole of our little film, there were some bits that didn't fit into it so good, for example, when we did the shot/reverse shot it didn't fit very well because everything was said really fast, which made it look very rushed and not realistic.

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